Jun 14Liked by Ian Dunt

My favourite line: ‘There's almost no precedent in the British system for someone who knows what the fuck they’re doing.’

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It's scarily true! Many other countries actually have experts looking after governmental departments in their field. But not us. We just throw caution to the wind every time and never lean how stupid that can be.

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That’s what the civil service does.

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Jun 14Liked by Ian Dunt

This is the first thing I’ve read that has actually made me feel hopeful for the future of the U.K. Thank you. Now if the rest of the world, especially the US, would also get its shit together, I’d feel even better!

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But under Biden the US has mostly managed to do that, apart from the MAGA parts of course. Trouble is it doesn’t make many headlines.

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Agreed, but sadly the MAGA parts of the US number in the millions, and the whole of the Republican party seems to have caved on any morals and is supporting a convicted felon and adjudicated rapist. I absolutely cannot see that ever happening here. It’s become a cult over there. I have dual British and US citizenship and sadly have close family members in the US that have succumbed to the insanity. It’s just mind boggling.

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Sorry to hear that. Must be hard to deal with.

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Saying in the UK, America don’t need you or more Marxist. Oh hell Hitler

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Are you really telling me that someone who cannot

manage himself is competent to manage a nation?

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Jun 14Liked by Ian Dunt

You expound on it at greater length, but I have long maintained that populism is the symptom and consequence of insecurity in the electorate. If people felt secure in the their jobs, their ability to subsist, their health care, etc., the snake-oil salesmen would have no foundation to get a grip on. It seems to me that precariousness is the root cause of populism and it's a failure of government. Of course shit happens, but it's how governments deal with that shit that determines the outcome - and ultimately their own fate.

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Jun 14Liked by Ian Dunt

The problem with competent people (and I've noticed this in business) is that they get on with the work, and are not so good at publicising their successes. It's very hard to be both effective and successful.

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Yes, which is why you often see that classic partnership of the backroom technical genius and the front of house salesman - Blair and Brown a variation on that. The Damned United film is very good on that dynamic.

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Jun 14Liked by Ian Dunt

Biden is having exactly that problem.

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Jun 14Liked by Ian Dunt

Hype men and women are definitely required.

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Liked by Ian Dunt

It's interesting to see that the attention-grabbing antics of the Lib Dems (an approach which I was not previously a fan of) followed by the Ed Davey carer video seem to be working rather well. It's all about getting the right mix of simple messages, at the right time, delivered in an intelligent way.

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Agree wholeheartedly. Humanity is especially appealing when contrasted against a background of the vacuous soundbites and slogans endured over the last years.

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Hence Joe Biden having done excellent work for the people of America but being torn apart in the run up to the election and called out as useless. He's anything but.

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You’re right in everything you say here

Ironically for Starmer to defeat populism a big part of that success will require getting the trains to run on time

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Jun 14Liked by Ian Dunt

I've got this weird feeling, its a bit scary, I think I can remember this sensation but it was a long time ago could it be, why yes I think its hope! (God help us) - No this is absolutely my feeling as well mate its weird me and the other half seem to have swapped mindsets he's the pragmatic scientist and I'm the humanist ex communist lets face it and yet I'm the one praising this manifesto for its pragmatism and he's criticised the lack of innovation and passion, its most off putting who even am I now? But the reason for this is because this is not a time for innovation it is at time for sense and as much as we can possibly hope for peace. There is a lot more the humanist would want to see in this manifesto, the 2 child cap not being removed pains my soul but as you said there is a movement here of a centred politics away from the ideology of the left and right at exactly the right time in global and local perspective. And it is radical! GB Energy is ground breaking. Starmer said two things in one of the debates this week (i forget which one there's been so many but I think it was with Beth Rigby) that really touched me he said his biggest fear was the impact on being PM on his kids and their lives and the second was he believed people can come together for the good of their community he was not for tribalism he didn't care if people voted labour or not he believed in a society where we could come together for the greater good no matter what our political alliance and my god that felt good to hear. This is the right government at the right time they have a hell of a lot to do and all of expectation but we have to give them to time to rebuild us back from the brink, Labour is not perfect it doesn't need to be its good and its made up of fundamentally good people with good ideas and my god good is going to be better than despair right? *hums things ca only get better because anything is better than the disgrace we have in office now.

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Sorry to burst your bubble but Starmer has said that GB Energy is an investment vehicle, ie a PFI scheme for energy. PFI is sucking around £2billion out of the NHS every year, and will continue to do so for years to come.

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Jun 14Liked by Ian Dunt

Excellent blog and hopeful.

Take care in the extreme heat Ian , and drink water too!

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Jun 14Liked by Ian Dunt

I'd almost forgotten what it's like to read a serious piece of political journalism that didn't make me want to swear loudly and profusely and/or burst into tears.

Thank you for putting hope back on the table.

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Firstly I agree with what was written. My only problem is that it can't just be government that fights against populism. Does it not all come down to long term issues of education, quality of life, decent employment and housing, etc. And these are all issues that exceed one or even two electoral terms. Finally, it must also mean taking an axe to many side issues, and transferring power and funding to local communities. I live in a small country, where national politicians live in their commune, and can be seen in our streets and shops. It makes all the difference.

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In New South Wales in 2011 a tired state Labor Govt had been in power for 12 years and were clearly out of ideas, had cycled through 3 leaders in 3 years, had built no major infrastructure projects for 5 years and had the Eddie Obeid corruption scandal brewing, now to be clear none of this stuff, even added together was even 10% as bad as this Tory Govt has been, but despite being as tribal a Labor supporter as you’ll meet, I knew that this was a Govt desperately in need of some time in opposition and just basic democratic hygiene required a Liberal Govt

It’s been very depressing to be to see how many right wing columnists in the UK refuse to admit that fact about this Govt when everyone can see that if they did pull off a miracle and win they have no idea what to do with 5 years of power if they were given it, if ever a party was begging for opposition then the UK Tory Party is that party, why are ppl who want to be taken seriously pretending this isn’t the case

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Jun 14Liked by Ian Dunt

Sue Hall? Who she?

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Jun 14Liked by Ian Dunt

Oof not the Tory mayoral candidate! I wouldn’t trust her with a packet of crayons!

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Jun 14Liked by Ian Dunt

I thought the same. Has Sue Grey changed her name???

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Its the Gray Lady currently haunting LOTO!

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Jun 14Liked by Ian Dunt

I love your stuff. It’s the perfect antidote to the current shit show unfolding. A glimmer of hope for the UK?

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Jun 14Liked by Ian Dunt

Your drunken musings are always really funny. Have a lovely time away from the madhouse. Reporting and following it from all those miles away is probably the best way to do it right now.

This column is very good. You have given me more hope. I'm feeling slightly upbeat anyway. It won't feel safe until we know for sure Labour have won. But I can't believe they won't make a good go of it once they have. I'm just still upset about the Brexit stance. Written into their manifesto! For a small business like me, who lost half their customers when we left the EU, that is a very, very bitter pill to swallow.

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Jun 14Liked by Ian Dunt

Excellent commentary, thanks, Ian. Be careful in the heat in Greece (I'm in currently blisteringly hot Cyprus).

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Jun 14Liked by Ian Dunt

My brain keeps going to two different places. One says that he’s not radical enough, and the other says that he’s incredibly radical. He’s just not showing his hand. I hope it’s the latter. Have a lovely holiday Ian.

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This is a take we don’t often hear, but I think it’s a good one. I do a Labour government will have organisational competence (certainly compared with the current shower).

The main worry is that they won’t have the money. The economic inheritance is ruinous, and for reasons I fully understand, Starmer and Reeves have painted themselves into a corner over tax-raising. That’s where the edges will start to fray first.

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On the positive side, govt have people that are very good in finding money if they want to. They have done so for centuries

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Time to bring back Morton’s Fork.

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