Thank you again for writing so beautifully.

My family are Jewish European refugees who managed to flee (many of the family did not). This entire thing has really disturbed me because Hitler too won an election. And yes, subsequent generations of Germans were burdened with shame - as I think they should have been.

Voters can be wrong.

I am currently incapable of even attempting to feel empathy with people's decision to vote for Trump and you have helped to put my feelings into words.

Also Ian, bear in mind that this will split families and friends. You may be lucky enough not to know anyone who voted for Trump. Many of us, even with our family histories, are not so fortunate. Reaching out as you suggested yesterday is complicated!

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It really is enough to make you weep.

I, for one, am sick of being lectured and told not to “blame” those who elected this monster. Who should we blame?

The US economy is doing just fine, but they believed his lies.

Do they really think he, of all men, will make them better off?

They watched as he & his nazis attacked immigrants, women, the disabled, the law, decency & humanity. He will assist Putin in attacking Europe & we will be in the firing line, make no mistake.

Who do we blame when it is OUR children & grandchildren who are cowering from the bombs?

I blame Trump voters wholeheartedly.

He is truly America’s Hitler, and by voting him & his vile acolytes in to wallow in bragging, vengeful & vicious carnage, probably for decades to come, the United States has lost any right to call itself “The land of the free and the home of the brave”.

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LBJ nailed it:

"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

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Your writing is helping with the absolute mindfuck, thank you. I finished Tia Levings' memoir A Well Trained Wife yesterday, about her escape from fundamentalist christian patriarchy, and it actually better helped me see why this has happened. I think us gloriously heathen Brits forget just how much of America is DEEP into extreme religion, and the effect that has.

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We in the UK need to be vigilant that the cult of well-funded “Christian” right-wing extremism does not cross the Atlantic. I recall the lamentable Lis Truss stating in a national newspaper: “I share the values of the Christian faith and of the Church of England.”

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I've read it too and was astonished that women engage with and support these values.

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It is astonishing! But they are raised for it, home scooled, isolated, controlled from day 1. I felt like I could have been reading about the Taliban.

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I haven't read it (yet), but it continues to astonish me that women should want to go anywhere near this highly patriarchal religion: of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost -- also implicitly male. Where the sexless "Virgin" Mother is the faintest possible echo of the ancient Triple Goddess.

And it has to be remembered that the United States was founded by armed religious extremists, who claimed land by murdering the natives. Not a very Christian thing to do. But what about the Crusaders, too?

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Couldn't agree more

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It still astonishes me how wildly religious Americans are. Fortunately I don't think any of my US friends go anywhere near a church, but they are the exception. I remember my boyfriend of the time (now husband) going to Florida for about 3 weeks for work. When he came back he had two things to talk about. How horribly humid and hot it was the whole time, but how the office and hotel were like fridges. And how all anyone in the office talked about on Monday's was what they had done at church the day before!

I'm very glad religion has largely let the Brits go. It's just another means of keeping the little people under the thumb. A lot of the extreme US cults are practically criminal in their treatment and dominance of women.

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Thanks for the ray of hope. I woke up on Wednesday feeling like I'd suffered a bereavement -like the day after the Brexit vote. How could voters (especially women) be so cavalier with their future? I guess my other ray of hope is that, with such a huge victory and control of all the arms of government, when his pie in the sky policies fail to work, he will have no one else to blame. That doesn't really help the planet or democracy though 😥.

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I very much agree with your writing. HL Mencken - who was not above approach - said many things that ring a bell. For example:

"As democracy is perfected, the office of the president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."

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There’s a lot of people saying that in a democracy the voters are never wrong - many triumphant Trump voters are saying this, and many Brexit voters say the same thing.

I agree with what you say - they can certainly be wrong - especially when they have been gaslit into a fervour. When they can’t tell what is true from what is false, they can very easily be wrong. It often seems to be ignored that an informed electorate is a prerequisite for democracy. It gets reduced to how many people got conned.

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Clearly, they can be. Germany 1934, for instance.

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I largely agree with the conclusion of Dorian's book... but let's just say I'd never want to be stuck in America if an apocalypse happens.

I felt a little bad about judging people after Brexit. It was complicated and didn't have a *clear* moral component. But for Trump in 2024? It's fair to say that those voters are horrendous human beings. Which I don't particularly like saying about a group of people, but... hey... someone give me a better answer than "they're just rejecting the system". That's no excuse to vote for such brazen and obvious evil.

I hate to use that word because it feels like some overused hysteria, partly because Trump uses it to describe anyone who doesn't agree with him (funny that, it's almost intentional), but what other word describes that man and his behaviour and beliefs?

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Thanks Ian, I completely agree with you and feel devastated with the election of Trump, the consequences of whatever batshit crazy policies and legislation he manages to introduce will touch us all for years to come. I am choosing country walks instead of steady drinking to manage my moods through this! Good luck ♥️

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American culture is clearly unwell for that many people to vote for a convicted criminal. Great article. It's difficult to maintain a sane overview with such ignorance and insanity so widespread.

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The American electorate are wrong. But there will be many people in this country who think they are right. We need to understand the threat that comes from increasing numbers of people who no longer get their news and information from mainstream sources...at all. There is no fact-checking in this parallel universe, just a relentless tide of hatred against immigrants who are blamed for all ills, and simple sounding solutions for very complex problems. In this world there is no climate change for example... The success of Reform, and the riots here in July show that we are not immune from this.

I am sure some people voted Trump just because they do not feel any better off. And I worry given that Labour say it will take years for things to improve here. When resources are perceived to be scarce, such as affordable housing, as it has been highlighted in the US voting patterns, even fairly recently arrived immigrants have no sympathy for those who try to follow them.

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Really great, Ian. As often, sucks it needed saying, but you say it well, and cathartically.

It's but a small comfort, but it was good to see Kemi Have A Go If You Think You're Badenoch making her first unforced error at the earliest opportunity at PMQs by trying to embarrass Labour for opposing Trump. Really think all the RW shock-jocks dancing at Trump's feet will soon come to regret it.

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It was so funny to hear her accuse the PM of reading from a script as she read from a script. That really was not smart.

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"Perhaps it makes them feel strong."

Nailed it.

Feeble-minded, selfish, self-self-self, wilfully ignorant and fundamentally weak people given the vote. WTF🤷🏻‍♂️

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Thank you. Sid Vicious’ comment about the man in the street has never felt more apt than in the last few days.

Great OS show last night, balm for the soul.

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It’s hard to have any respect for the ignorant. I have no issue with articulated Republican or Tory policy positions even if I strongly disagree with them. However I will not waste my time on the ignorant, the cultists, the racists who generally will not consider fact or reason and demonstrate blind faith, loyalty, cult adherence to a person. We are to recognise the large swathe of MAGA cultists but Trump got more than MAGA votes and that is abysmally depressing.

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If we don't "waste time" on "the ignorant, the cultists, the racists" there will be nothing to check them.

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I used to think that, but many years of arguing with Brexiteers on Social Media has convinced me that it is a waste of time and emotional energy - I don't think I changed anyone's mind. I do try and correct facts and I wrote an essay on why the referendum was undemocratic for the Lessons Learned committee which I post links to. Ad hominem attacks just give ammo to grifters like Matt Goodwin who accuse us of being woke elite. I believe we have to work at this within our communities and networks and families, by finding points of commonality.

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Thank you for that. It turns out it was exactly what I needed.

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