I remember the Tories who came through the War. Often raised on working country estates they took in other people's lives. In whatever setting the numbers of employees was larger then and communities around workplaces stable. Not the work silo of corporate finance. Despite assumed entitlement they had a sense of duty, integrity towards those less privileged. The Conservative Party has become dominated by exceedingly narrowing wealth and life experience. Fanatical extremist ideology, populism and managerialism replacing a sense of duty and public service. I wonder if it has had its day as a serious democratic force while Labour, always a broader church, has survived to have a relevant future.

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WWI and WWII proved that the best way to tackle inequality is to send men of all different stripes onto a battlefield. The upper class might have been officers and the lower classes the grunts but they all saw the horrors and they all saw each other die in the mud or the air.

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I think you’re being far too generous to the people around Sunak. After all, the Tory response to him leaving was that it was fine because he’ll have a chance to chat with other world leaders soon anyway. As if that was the sole reason to be at the D-Day event. I mean, for some Tories it probably was. So for me this doesn’t just say bad things about Sunak – it highlights the lack of respect for societal and social norms from his party as a whole, and how totally and completely out of touch so many Tories are from basic human values.

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Yep - an echo chamber of the worst kind.

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I have never been able to understand why people keep insisting Sunak is such a smart guy, his decision making has always been absolutely mental.

He was a brexiteer, before it was compulsory for Tory MPs, if he had a choice between a basic middle road decision and something clearly stupid he picks stupid over and over again. Spreadsheets don’t make people smart, being not Liz Truss does not make you clever. I think some people have just been so desperate to think an adult might be in charge they excuse everything he does

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deletedJun 7
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But at least Johnson was an accomplished bare-faced liar. Sunak can't even do a convincing job of that. His body language shouts: "I've just lied".

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I commented here a few weeks ago to say I was gobsmacked at how bad he was at this, and that I thought the polls might actually widen. My gob has just been repeatedly smacked ever since. Zero instinct for the moment or for how voters perceive any given issue. Good grief.

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I have oft opined that he has zero political nous. Yesterday proved that beyond doubt.

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"He jetted back to London to clean up the mess of his previous mistake earlier in the week, when he misled voters during the leaders' debate."

For some reason this reminded me of one of the Jasper Carrott car insurance lines:

"The accident was caused by me waving to the man I hit last week."

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Having left the lion's den, he made the mistake of going back for his hat.

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It's the most baffling thing I've ever seen. It's more than baffling. It's a neutron star of idiocy, the condensing of confusion to a point where reason can't escape any more. The only thing I can think of is that Sunak has sacked his team and just asks ChatGPT what the right approach to any given topic is.

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Please let it be over soon.

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There is nothing that could show the pure hypocrisy of the UK press between how they report on it and what they would do if it was a Labour PM did this.

This should be a resigning matter for so many different reasons.

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Fucking brilliant. A perfect roadmap of how Sunak is not just shooting himself in the foot, but repeating it with ever more vigour - and self-harm.

Given a choice between Sunak and the "petrol station puddle", the puddle gets my vote - every time.

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According to this article it’s even worse than this : originally he wasn’t even planning to cross the Channel. Perhaps someone did manage to get him to see enough sense to get himself to France, though not enough to keep him there.


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deletedJun 7
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The Plan.

‘You expect me to talk.’

‘No, Mr Bond. I expect you to die.’

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Bravo. I think you’ve nailed it.

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The fact that he left the commemoration of Overlord is appalling and means we can now put him on the same moral and intellectual shelf as Johnson. It also demonstrates his lack of knowledge of what happened after Overlord and the obvious comparison with Ukraine.

If we take away the commemoration, however, the basics of foreign policy seem to elude both Sunak and anyone he’s ever met (except Lord Big Dave, but perhaps they’ve never met). If the President of the USA is going to be there, the British Prime Minister should also be there.

Say what you will about May; she held hands with the pussy grabber himself. Took one for the fucking country.

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Yes, though her desperation to find a loo and wash her hands or better still find a shower was palpable.

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Wasn't he originally a protégé of Cummings? Wasn't that business with Javid's SPAD supposedly a ruse to get Javid to resign? What attracted Cummings? He's also spoken warmly of Raab at a parliamentary committee. Was it their blank slate stupidity that attracted him, or is Cummings, to go with his other flaws, a woeful judge of character?

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You know when you said he's really bad at politics. You might be right. Please say your having an interview with Katy Balls soon. Want to see her face as you discuss the omnishambles.

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The older ones remember that T May’s 2017 campain was the gold standard of how not to it, but that was back then

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Apparently, public school education explodes on contact with reality. Surely to God, Winchester taught the students about D-Day?

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I was wondering about that too. Perhaps their history teaching ends where my A level did - at 1603.

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He’s the Prime Minister. The best the Tories could come up with - well, in truth their third best after Liz Truss and a lettuce. He’s supposed to be better than the ministers under him.

Let that sink in.

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