"If someone were to ask what liberalism is - what it wants, what it aspires towards - it is the face of that man, in that moment. I can't remember the last time I saw something so beautiful" thank you for sharing that soul shattering video I was absolutely in bits watching it and I'm still shaken. Tyrony and fear hits the headlines as it happens and then goes into darkness like this prisoner did, we need to fight against darkness always not just when it's in the news headlines. That list of charities is so welcome, apart from the lovely Sam Freedman's book and a few bits I've told family to donate to charities in. my name this festive season namely for charities in Ukraine and Save the Children, they need the support so much more than I do, I'm also donating to support abortion clinics in the US as well in fear if what is to come there. We live in dark times but there is always hope, cymryd calon take heart as we say in Wales. P.S GB news needs to be taken of the air fucking parasites polluting the airwaves with hate enough is enough.

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One of the highlights of the year for me was finding Origin Story and your Substack. Delighted by both!

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Fuck me, that was a brilliant piece. Merry Christmas.

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Love you man, this turned a shitty week better. You write words I want to read. Thanks

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Can I just add that it’s also possible to donate to the White Helmets and to Syria Relief if you want to do something, particularly for Syria this year.

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Firstly: thanks for the list of charities that we can donate to. I was already going to make a modest contribution to MSF - heaven knows they're busy right now, in Syria and elsewhere - but I'll try to send a few quid to one or two of the ones that you've listed here as well.

Secondly: the notion of "hope" in this context is all-important. I suspect that it's perceived by some as naive or silly, and I can sort-of understand how it might be tempting to not acknowledge it, given the disappointment many of us feel generally. Even so, it feels like a healthy thing to do from a mental health point of view.

I recently saw someone reply to a bsky post I made about the Syria situation that went (paraphrased) "whoever replaces Assad will almost certainly be worse." Which is certainly possible, and maybe even likely. It's not guaranteed though, is it? I had to make a conscious effort to scroll past without replying, "shut up, you miserable bastard."

If the last couple of weeks have proved anything, it's that these situations are unpredictable. I never expected Assad to be toppled as quickly as he was, and I'd be very suspicious of anyone who claims otherwise. What we are seeing now is the *possibility* that the lives of Syrians in 2025 will become less shit than they were in 2024, and if those feelings of relief and joy really do turn out to be short-lived, let's enjoy them while they last.

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Thanks for the very moving piece about Syria (and if it was staged, it was a remarkably good effort). And it’s good to see someone speaking up for the expertise and hard work of the HoL. As an ex civil servant, working on science policy, I can say that the challenge from the HoL was always much tougher and better informed than that from the HoC select committee. And please take a NY resolution not to call people you don’t like cunts; dicks if you must - most of them are men. I like cunts.

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Ed Miliband also refused to endorse military action even in principle—remember, another specific vote in Parliament would have been necessary even if he had agreed in August 2013—without conclusive proof that the Assad régime was responsible for the sarin attacks on Ghouta. I wondered at the time who else he thought might have been to blame.

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Oof... I'm just going to skip over the other comments and say YOU'RE IN VIZ!?!?!? I guess you've peaked now...

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The House of Lords and Viz! A rare double indeed, congratulations and Merry Christmas Ian, you miserable cunt - I feel like if I pay to be called one I should get at least one back for free!

Loved the newsletter and Origin Story this year - a beacon of liberal hope in some frequently shitty times. Thank you.

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Congratulations on the solid number of subscribers and viewers of your writing. I always enjoy them, swearing and all.

Also, mentioned in dispatches in the HoL! We must now bow and scrape. We are not worthy. (Nice comment you got there).

But Mike Leigh films.......... I like some of them very much. But OMG! have you seen Bleak Moments? If not, don't. It was so utterly depressing. So soul-crushing. I'm sure it was also bloody marvellous as I'm still broken by it nearly 20 years later. The man's a genius behind a camera.

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Thanks Ian for an uplifting article ! Much needed. We mustn’t lose hope. It’s what sets us apart as liberals!

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Let’s hope that the global and local players manage to give Syria the oxygen to get some semblance of a start.

As for Chrystys - that cunt amazes me - he can talk bollocks and look down a lens at the same time - considering the unintelligible nastiness he regurgitates, you have to grudgingly admire the feat of being that dumb and not just endlessly biting his own tongue off or trying to fuck parked cars.

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Congratulations Ian on your double whammy of achievements. On a sunny day in May this year I met the King and Queen, and Nik Kershaw. The latter was the more memorable tete a tete of the day.

Loved your words about Syria and the clarity you brought to the whole fucking mess we are in now. Any chance of this government having some compassion and letting asylum seekers stuck in the system work to earn a living of sorts? I'm off to make a donation to Asylum Matters now. Have a very messy Christmas!

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And thank you for the donation links.

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Sadly, I’m not sure this man’s story can be verified. There is hope, but Syria is looks as if it will be carved up by the various parties in a repeat of Iraq. It’s only been a week.

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