Once again. I have the same emotions when reading Ian Dunt. Delight in the furious clarity of the prose. Fury this stuff needs saying.

Keep up the essential work, Ian.

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I teach on the postgraduate level. Last year I had a (very progressive and well-meaning) student in my office who was parroting Russian propaganda on Ukraine, point for point. Nazis in Ukrainian government, the whole nine yards.

My undergraduate degree is in Soviet Studies (also English and Russian which is of course why I wound up being a lawyer) so I was able to counter some of that with authority. Yes, there was an annexation vote in Crimea, now can we talk about the colonization of Ukraine by ethnic Russians going back to the Stalin years and before? I don't know how much good it did, but I tried.

Point being, that kind of disinformation is so, so insidious and people (here at least) often do not have the historical knowledge to be able to combat it effectively. Thank you for discussing this. Thank you for staying in the fight.

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As ever, the old adage ‘bullshit baffles brains’ comes to mind. Truth is the only way forward so we must take care what we read. Thanks once more, Ian.

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They’re so envious of Zelenskyy’s massive titanium bollocks.

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Thank you. I see the front pages of the newspapers and I could weep. For your wit, knowledge and clarity…thank you!

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Another great piece Ian - and I hope you’re on the mend. Industrial-scale lying is all part of the cynical authoritarian playbook designed to seduce the credulous, galvanise the true believers and overwhelm the democratic opposition. But it also does something else - it fails to rouse the apathetic who can’t see the threat that’s in front of them. Way too many people are simply sleepwalking through Trump’s (and Putin’s) lies as if there’ll be no consequences. A fatal ‘muddle through’ mentality that only serves Trump and Putin.

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Just to prove I listen to Origin Story, you have just described, in great detail, gaslighting on an industrial - indeed nationalised - scale.

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A necessary reminder of which side is which, despite all the noise - thanks Ian and delighted that you've recovered at least to the point where you can still write so well. Plus a mention of the Dolchstoßlegende (stab in the back myth) - so I ask again, when are we getting an Origin Story episode on that? (And will it mention Harold Laski?)

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There's a few pages on it in the fascism book. I think a whole episode on it would be a big ask. Laski on the other hand...

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The problem is Ian, there is another epistemic lie. That neo-liberal democracy is working well for most people. That there need be no hegemony in the world and all nations can be harmoniously sovereign under a global rule of law.

Western politicians can preach this utopia, Kamala Harris tried to, look where it got her. We're quite well aware of an important truth; that our governments are powerless against "the markets". Of course Trump is lying about what he can achieve. But he gives a strong perception of getting something done.

Until Macron, Starmer et al pick a bloody fight with corporations more and more people will question their judgement of objective reality. That's the lie we've been living with a lot longer than Trump's.

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Sorry but I find it staggering that people still make this argument after four years of Biden.

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In a bloody fight between nations armed with laws, taxes, enforcement, maleable public opinion, fiat currencies and investment clout, an individual corporation is vulnerable. The American tech bros seem particularly vulnerable to action in Europe as their business model is a combination of tax avoidance and copiable tech. Tax the bros to fund the war.

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Well... the reality is that we only have mitigations.

And that any cards we have are being dressed as the baddies by the baddies.

Perfect looks like muddling along...

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Peter I just feel democratic nations need a "what got us here, won't get us there" moment of admission. That the principles of the UN Charter of human rights didn't factor in where capitalism would take us. Only when we get to that level of honesty with ourselves do we actually have the epistemic foundation that can fight against techo-feudalism. It's a big task, but one we should have been undertaking since 2008. As usual we've sat on our hands for too long, until the crisis is at our door.

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The moment when Boxer is taken to the Knackers yard in Animal Farm always makes me tear up, it’s the lies that lead up to it that triggers it and now we live through that in real life

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Thanks Ian, I feel mostly depressed and insomniac these days. It's bracing to read someone who fiercely remembers and proclaims the truth. Well done for not whacking that timorous old pair.

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Thanks for this Ian. Needed it and found it very comforting after this fucking abysmal week!

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Very good piece thank you.

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Excellent as always .. more please!!

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And, of course, the lying for effect started even before WWII.

There's a great series of documentaries by Adam Curtis, beginning here:


talking about Edward Bernays, relative (nephew?) of Sigmund Freud. He was the founder of PR, but was used by Woodrow Wilson to persuade congress to go to war... by using disinformation, propaganda and so on. He called it the "Engineering of Consent." Chilling stuff.

Stay well, Ian.

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Check out Manufacturing Consent, by Noam Chomsky and Edward S Herman.

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Thank you for reminding me that this is Not Normal and that I am not going mad - it Is Happening 😭

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