All this hatred and pain. All this flogging of what tiny bit of respect the UK might have had left. And by the son of an immigrant! We should through him and his whole family out for defiling this country. Vacuous little jug-eared twat that he is. There is no justice in this world that people like him are obscenely rich and the rest of us are worried sick about how we will survive our older years.
All this hatred and pain. All this flogging of what tiny bit of respect the UK might have had left. And by the son of an immigrant! We should through him and his whole family out for defiling this country. Vacuous little jug-eared twat that he is. There is no justice in this world that people like him are obscenely rich and the rest of us are worried sick about how we will survive our older years.
All this hatred and pain. All this flogging of what tiny bit of respect the UK might have had left. And by the son of an immigrant! We should through him and his whole family out for defiling this country. Vacuous little jug-eared twat that he is. There is no justice in this world that people like him are obscenely rich and the rest of us are worried sick about how we will survive our older years.